ResearchNet - RechercheNet

Funding Organization
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Program Name
Doctoral Research Award : Fall 2015 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas) ARCHIVED
Program Launch Date
Deadline Date

Important Dates

Competition 201510MDR
Application Deadline 2015-10-01
Anticipated Notice of Decision 2016-04-15
Funding Start Date 2016-05-01

Table of Contents


Priority Announcements on Doctoral Research Award competitions offer additional sources of funding for highly rated applications that are relevant to specific CIHR research priority areas or mandates. Applications are submitted through the "201510MDR" competition of the Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 funding opportunity.

Doctoral Research Awards are intended to provide special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a PhD degree in a health-related field in Canada or abroad. These candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high potential for future research achievement and productivity.

Funds Available

CIHR's and partner contribution to the amount available for this initiative is subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner funding levels not be available or are decreased for some unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner reserve the right to defer or suspend payments to awards received as a result of this funding opportunity.

Funds Available for Research in All Areas

Funds are available for applications in all areas of research that address any important health problem or issue through the "201510MDR" competition of the Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 funding opportunity.

Funds Available for Research in Specific Areas

In this competition, funds are available to encourage and support applications in specific areas that are aligned with CIHR's research priority areas and mandates. Information on the research areas to be funded as well as the maximum amounts per grant that can be requested is found in the "Objectives" section.

CIHR Research Priority Areas



The specific objective of the Doctoral Research Award Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas) funding opportunity is to offer additional sources of funding for highly rated applications that are relevant to specific CIHR research priority areas and mandates.

CIHR Research Priority Areas

Aboriginal Research Methodologies (DAR)


Funds Available

Specific Requirements

*Please note that Indigenous identity (i.e., being First Nations, Inuit or Métis) is not a sufficient response to the above. “Indigenous Lived Experience” could be demonstrated by individuals that have close relationships and experience with Indigenous Peoples such as living an extended period of time (e.g., 5 years or more) on a reserve or Northern Inuit community, or through “Indigenous Lived Experience” with people other than First Nations, Inuit or Métis – e.g., Pacific Islanders, or South American Indigenous Peoples.

Contact Information

Infection and Immunity (DII)


Funds Available

Specific Requirements

Contact Information

Research in First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit Health (DIA)


Funds Available

Specific Requirements

* Please note that Indigenous identity (i.e., being First Nations, Inuit or Métis) is not a sufficient response to the above. “Indigenous Lived Experience” could be demonstrated by individuals that have close relationships and experience with Indigenous Peoples such as living an extended period of time (e.g., 5 years or more) on a reserve or Northern Inuit community, or through “Indigenous Lived Experience” with people other than First Nations, Inuit or Métis – e.g., Pacific Islanders, or South American Indigenous Peoples.

Contact Information



For Eligibility, please refer to the Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 funding opportunity.



For Guidelines, please refer to the Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 funding opportunity.


Performance Measurement

For Performance Measurement, please refer to the Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 funding opportunity.


Review Process and Evaluation

CIHR Research Priority Areas

CIHR and partner organizations will provide funding for applications that are relevant to (in alignment with) the objectives and research priority areas described under "CIHR Research Priority Areas" within the "Objectives" section.

Relevance of the applications to the research priorities will be determined in the following manner.

Prior to peer review, CIHR and the partner organizations will review applications to determine the relevance, or alignment, of the research proposed to the research priority area(s) described above.

To conduct relevance review, these representatives will have access to a completed relevance form in addition to project titles and summaries, provided that applicants have consented to the sharing of information in consideration for other funding opportunities as well as to the sharing of information to observers in completing their ResearchNet application.

Upon completion of peer review, the CIHR will rank the applications that 1) are found to be relevant to the specific objectives of the research initiative and the research priority areas described under "CIHR Research Priority Areas"; and 2) are rated within the CIHR fundable range but are not funded through the regular CIHR competition to which they were submitted. These applications will be funded from the top down in order of ranking as far as budgets will allow. Applications that receive a ranking below 3.5 will not be funded.

All funded applications, deemed relevant to a priority announcement, will be named "Doctoral Research Award in the area of [specific research area] research" (e.g., Doctoral Research Award in the area of aging research).

Peer Review

A CIHR review committee will evaluate the full applications. The committee may be drawn from one of CIHR's pre-existing committees or may be created specifically for this funding opportunity. Committee members are selected based on suggestions from many sources including the institute(s) / branch(es) and partner(s), following the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy of the Federal Research Funding Organizations. For information on CIHR's peer review process in general, see the Understand Peer Review section of CIHR's website.

Evaluation Criteria

Doctoral Research Awards are reviewed in accordance with the Guide for Reviewers – CIHR Doctoral Research Awards.

The following general criteria for evaluating training award applications will be used:


How to Apply

Important: Please read all instructions to familiarize yourself with the application process before applying. For new applicants or for those wanting a reminder of the main application procedures, an overview of CIHR's application processes can be found under "Apply for Funding". Note that these are general instructions only as the specific application instructions for this funding opportunity are located below.

The application process for this funding opportunity is comprised of one step: Application.

The Application is submitted through the "201510MDR" competition of Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 funding opportunity.

To complete your Application, follow the specific application guidelines and instructions which are fully described in the Doctoral Research Award: 2015-2016 "How to Apply" section.

Reminder to applicants: Please ensure that your application is complete (includes all required signatures) and is submitted on time to CIHR.

Specific Instructions

CIHR Research Priority Areas

Priority announcements for research in specific CIHR priority areas are listed in the "Objectives" section of this funding opportunity, under "CIHR Research Priority Areas."

To apply for funding through these priority announcements, select the priority announcement title and relevant research area(s) addressed by your research proposal in the "Identify Priority Announcements and Relevant Research Area" section of your ResearchNet application.

You may request that your application be considered for up to three priority announcement research areas per application, in each Doctoral Research Award competition.


Contact Information

For questions on CIHR funding guidelines, how to apply, and the peer review process contact:

Priority Announcement Program Delivery Team
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone: 613-957-8641
Fax: 613-954-1800

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your ResearchNet account or the e-Submission process contact:

CIHR ResearchNet Support
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone: 613-941-9080


Additional Information

CIHR Research Priority Areas

Aboriginal Research Methodologies (DAR)

Infection and Immunity (DII)

Research in First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit Health (DIA)


Date Modified: